The Trail to The Grail
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Suppose that someone wanted to hide a treasure and that they wanted this treasure to be found one day, but they were certain that it would not be within their lifetime and even more certain that documents and paper maps can be destroyed or lost. How could a map be hidden in plain sight, seen by millions of people every year and still protect the secret? How could one ensure that the map would survive the test of time?
The 1611 King James Bible has indicated that the journey should begin in Washington, DC. It has also been shown that the city of Washington, DC has some uncanny connections to Jesus Christ and the Bible. It has also been demonstrated that the Declaration of Independence contains an encoded message to look for the Ark of God using the number 666 in DC. If a secret was hidden in Washington, DC, near the time of its formation, then what sort of clues could have been left by the builders that would still be in existence today? Washington, DC is laid out in a very unique fashion with enormous monuments of stone found all over the city.
The best way to hide a treasure and to leave a map for future generations is to use the layout of the city itself and to build monuments of stone that are designed to last hundreds of years. The missing link between the 1611 King James Bible and Washington, DC is the Freemasons. Washington, DC was designed in part by Pierre L’Enfant, whose Masonic background is unknown, but his layout was approved by President George Washington, who was a known Mason. Over the years, as each layer was added and each major new monument was built, a Mason can be found with a guiding hand. If the Masons really played a role in protecting The Holy Grail, then they would want to make it crystal clear to those who would discover their secret. The most important Masonic symbol is the Square and Compass, so logic dictates that the search should begin with this infamous symbol.
Step One – The Square & Compass

Figure 1 – The Masonic Square and Compass
A partially complete, yet clearly visible Square and Compass is lurking in the streets of Washington, DC. The US Capitol building was the first major structure built in Washington, DC and President George Washington presided over a Masonic ceremony to lay the cornerstone of this majestic structure on September 18, 1793. A copy of the King James Bible and traditional Masonic tools were placed within the cornerstone. The path that leads to the location of the Holy Grail treasure begins at the US Capitol building.
The well-known Square and Compass symbol of the Freemasons is encoded into the layout of Washington, DC. The apex of the Compass is the U.S. Capitol building with the arms formed along Pennsylvania Ave and Maryland Ave, ending at The White House and Jefferson Memorial. The Square is incomplete, but can be formed by extending the lines of Louisiana Ave and Washington Ave. The aerial image of Washington, DC below shows the layout of the Square and Compass.
Gematria can be used to demonstrate that the Square and Compass is intentional and to learn the method used to hide the clues that will ultimately lead to the Templar treasure. The two roads that form the Compass are ‘Pennsylvania’ and ‘Maryland’. The major buildings that form the apex of the Compass and the ends of the legs are the ‘Capitol’, ‘The White House’, and ‘Jefferson Memorial’. The Standard English gematria value of the two roads and three buildings that form the Compass is,
‘Pennsylvania Maryland Capitol The White House Jefferson Memorial’ = 666
The reader is encouraged to check these values to see for yourself that it really is what I say it is. The gematria calculator on this site can be used or it can be verified manually as well.
The calculator is found here:
The number 666 is not some great secret about the Devil or the so-called Antichrist. It has nothing to do with a sinister new world order, either. As demonstrated previously in Revelation 13:18, the number 666 is the number of Jesus and Washington, DC is all about Jesus. It has been established that Washington. DC was the correct city identified by the encoded Grail cup in the 1611 King James Bible. Do not fear this number; embrace it, because it leads to the location of the Templar treasure and more. It would be easy to discount a single occurrence of 666 as nothing more than random chance, however, the Founders of America knew they had to give more than just one confirmation to help overcome the inevitable naysayers.
The site of the Jefferson Memorial was originally intended to be a memorial for Theodore Roosevelt. A winning design by John Russell Pope had already been selected when a prominent Freemason and sitting President, Franklin Roosevelt, suggested that the site should be used for a memorial to Thomas Jefferson. Had the site been used to build a monument to Roosevelt, instead of Jefferson, the entire coded message of the Square and Compass would not exist. A Freemason was in control when the decision was made.
The symbol formed by the roads is ‘A Square and A Compass’. Traditionally, the Masons include the letter ‘G’ inside the Square and Compass. Adding the description of the Masonic symbol to the names of the four roads that form the Square and Compass gives the value 666 again,
‘Louisiana Washington Pennsylvania Maryland A Square and A Compass G’ = 666
The number 666 is encoded in the streets that form the Square and Compass, not once, but twice. Using the combination of road names and the associated shape formed by the roads to reach the number 666 is self-confirming. This feature will be used many times as the trail progresses, with each step offering additional information. President George Washington wanted this message to be found and he wanted it to be followed. America was founded to protect an extraordinary secret and the first President was front and center in the execution of the plan.
But, there are other clues lurking in the streets that form the Square and Compass. The complete names of the four roads that form the Square and Compass are Louisiana Avenue NW, Washington Avenue SW, Pennsylvania Avenue NW, and Maryland Avenue SW. The total value of the full names of the roads in standard gematria is,
‘Louisiana Avenue NW Washington Avenue SW Pennsylvania Avenue NW Maryland Avenue SW’ = 901 = 888 + 13
The total of the complete street names, 901, is 13 more than the value of Jesus in Greek, 888. 13 and 888 are two more numbers directly connected to Jesus. Found along with 666, the numbers confirm that 666 is the number of Jesus, and the Founders of America knew it. They not only knew that 666 was the number of Jesus, but they also used it to hide the secrets they were protecting. Emphasis continues to be placed on the importance of the number 13, from the manipulated number of original colonies, to The Great Seal, and now in the layout of the Square and Compass within the roads of Washington, DC. Thirteen will play a very critical role in locating the lost treasure of the Templars.
The primary message associated with the Square and Compass laid out in the streets of Washington, DC is that the Freemasons are responsible for the protection of The Holy Grail. The secondary message is that the numbers 13, 666, and 888 are some of the important markers along the trail.
Step Two – The Cross
The biggest obstacle that prevents one from following the trail to the Grail is learning to see what is right in front of his or her eyes. Sometimes the secret is not contained in what you see, but rather in what you do not see. A common trick of magicians is misdirection. They make the audience look where they want them to look, while the real action of the trick is happening where they least expect it. An unseen secret lies hidden within the Square and Compass symbol that few even know exists. Millions of people see this common symbol every day, but how many see what is not there? To find it, simply turn the Square and Compass upside down and join the opposing corners together. As Figure 3 shows, a perfect cross is contained within the most common of Masonic symbols, and the cross holds the next clue.
The next step on the trail is found in the shape of the Mall in Washington DC, or the open expanse between the major buildings and monuments, shown in Figure 4. Highlighted red, the Mall itself forms a near perfect cross, but an imperfect, or slightly skewed form of the cross is formed by connecting the Capitol building with the Lincoln Memorial, and the White House with the Jefferson Memorial, highlighted yellow. The skewed shape of the cross will come into play once the location of the Grail is apparent.
Here, the numerical confirmation of the cross is not found using names of roads, but rather the names of the buildings and monuments that form the endpoints. Combining the monument and building names with the name of the shape formed, ‘A Cross’, the number 666 appears once again.
As with the Square and Compass, the names of the buildings and the shape of the cross, are self confirmed by the number 666. The line between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capital building is slightly skewed. In other words, the Cross that gives the value 666 is not a perfect cross with the legs at 90 degrees. The Lincoln Memorial is too far south, but there does not appear to be a good reason for placing the Memorial in this location. There are no nearby buildings that offer interference, and any roads could have been moved. So, why would the builders do this? The skewed cross formed by the buildings and the perfect cross of the Mall are a clue that will help open the door to the Grail, once it has been located.
The architect who designed the Lincoln Memorial was Henry Bacon, a Freemason. Construction on the Lincoln Memorial began with the passing of Senate Bill 9449 on December 13, 1910. William Henry Taft, a Freemason, was the President from 1909-1913. The location and design of the Lincoln Memorial is closely tied to the Freemasons. The cross is a hidden Masonic symbol and the layout of the cross in the Mall was designed with significant Masonic influence.
The Jefferson Memorial was designed by architect, John Russell Pope. Mr. Pope is not known to have been a Mason, but one of his greatest works was the design of the Masonic House of the Temple in Washington, DC. This building now serves as the headquarters for the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
Originally, the Jefferson Memorial was intended to be a memorial for Theodore Roosevelt. However, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked that the Monument be dedicated to Thomas Jefferson instead. President Franklin Roosevelt was a known Freemason. Had the memorial been named for Roosevelt and not Jefferson, the gematria value of 666 for the cross would not have worked. The final piece required to encode the number 666 in the cross shape of the Mall, was the direct result of the concerted political efforts of one man, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Mason. He was following a highly detailed plan laid out long ago by his Masonic brothers.
Completing The Square
One of the things the Templar Knights were accused of doing is trampling on the Cross. In the Freemason rituals, the candidates are instructed to stand erect and form the Square with their feet. In step one above, it was stated that the two roads, Louisiana Ave and Washington Ave, that form the Square do not form a complete Square. The roads end at the boundary of the cross, as shown in Figure 5 with the solid blue lines.
In order to complete the Square on the Cross, the lines formed by the two roads must be extended until they meet at the center of the Cross, indicated by the dashed blue lines. If you imagine a Mason standing at the intersection of the blue lines and assuming the stance to form the Square with his feet, then it becomes a symbolic way of standing or trampling on the Cross, just like the Templars were accused of doing. This is a very strong clue that the descendants of the Templar Knights are responsible for creating this trail of clues.
Step Three – Jesus On The Cross
There is yet one more hidden message contained within the design of the Masonic Square and Compass symbol. The Masonic symbol consists of a Compass and a Square. Each tool is represented by two distinct angled legs or lines. There are a total of four lines required to construct the symbol. The symbol almost always contains the letter ‘G’, which is the seventh letter of the alphabet. Figure 6 shows how the Square and Compass conceals the numerical value of “JESUS”.
The digits ‘7’ and ‘4’ can be combined to get either ‘47’ or ‘74’. In standard gematria, ‘GRAIL’ = 47, and ‘JESUS’ = 74. The second hidden message in the design of the Square and Compass symbol is that of ‘JESUS’ and the ‘GRAIL’.
In the Bible, Jesus was crucified on the cross. In the previous step, the cross was identified and confirmed in The Mall of Washington, DC. The next logical step would be to try and find Jesus on the cross. Recognizing that ‘JESUS’ = 74 in standard English gematria, the roads in Washington, DC that run North-South are numbered, starting at the Capitol building and continuing in both the East and West directions. As luck would have it, both 7th and 4th Streets cross The Mall near the base of the cross.
Using 7th and 4th streets, in Figure 7, a box can be drawn where 4th Street intersect the roads that formed the Compass, Pennsylvania Ave NW and Maryland Avenue SW. The top and bottom of the box are formed by Constitution Avenue NW and Independence Avenue SW. This box between 7th and 4th streets can be said to represent JESUS on the cross because ‘JESUS’ = 74 and it lies on the cross formed by The Mall.
The North – South roads each have a NW and SW portion. The number 666 not only serves as a confirmation of things found, but it also serves as a target. By seeking this number with the available information, clues for future steps can be discovered.
In this case, to obtain the confirmation value of 666 for the box, only the NW names will be used. Often clues can be found by what is missing just as much as they can be found in what is observed. The absence of SW in the confirmation number of the box is a clue that will be used later to help locate the treasure. Spelling out the numbered street names and abbreviating ‘Street’ as ‘St’, the left and right borders of the box give the following value in standard gematria,
The roads that form the upper and lower bounds of the box, Constitution and Independence Avenues, also represent the names of the primary documents that define America, The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence. The combined value of these two roads, with ‘Avenue’ abbreviated as ‘Ave’, is,
Together, the total value of the 4 roads that define the box is,
So what does this mean? There is box that could be said to represent Jesus on the Cross and the value of the roads forming the box is 666, but what is the point?
If this box is viewed as a door instead of a simple box or rectangle, it might be a clue that tells what to look for. It might be telling us to look for a door, perhaps one that has been locked for over a hundreds years. If they are telling us to look for a door, then how do we find it? Sometimes all that it takes is looking the right way and seeing what our minds don’t let us see on a normal day.
Step Four – The Altar and The Lights
The Door in the previous step can also be viewed as a possible representation of the altar in a Masonic Lodge. The layout of a Masonic Lodge can vary quite a bit, but most of the layouts feature an altar near the center. The seating arrangements of the various officers tend to form one or more crosses that pass over the altar, as shown in Figures 8 and 9.
Note that the bottom portion of the crosses pass over the altar, in the same manner as the box formed by the roads The Mall. Surrounding the altar, three lights or candlesticks are usually found as well. Figure 10 shows a typical altar set up in a lodge with the three lights.
The lights might be equated to tall building or monuments in Washington, DC. If the box formed by 4th and 7th streets is taken to be the altar, there are three prominent monuments that are arranged in a similar manner to the lights that surround the altar in a Masonic Lodge. The monuments include The Washington Monument, and the two statues at Peace Circle and Garfield Circle. near the Capitol. Figure 11 identifies the location of these landmarks.
Once again, the names of these landmarks will use the number 666 as confirmation, but this time 666 will be the goal and the difference between the names and 666 is the real clue.
666 – 653 = 13
The message here is that 666 is important, but we are also being directed to look at the number 13 as well. The same result will be obtained in the next step, with one slight variation.
Step Five – 666
So far, the trail to the Grail has confirmed the number 666 with the Square and Compass, a skewed Cross, and a box that could be an altar or door. The three geometric shapes were meticulously laid out in The Mall area of Washington, DC, on what might be termed a grand scale. Each shape has used the number 666 as confirmation of the accuracy of the shape, but, at the same time, they have reiterated the importance of the number 666 as a path to follow. The number 666, and the clue that will point the way for the next step, is in the Declaration of independence. Figure 12 shows how 666 is hidden on the Declaration of Independence.
On line 27 of the Declaration, the number 666 has been encoded using the letter ‘F’, because it is the sixth letter of the alphabet. The Declaration is written in a series of sections that are separated by unusually long dashes. The capitalized letter of the next word follows each dash. Line 27 contains 3 long dashes with the capitalized letter ‘F’ in the word ‘For’ immediately following the dash ‘For’. The clue here is that the letters ‘FFF’ can represent 666 because ‘F’ has a value of 6 in Standard English gematria.
A potential confirmation of finding 666 on this line of the Declaration can be found by counting the line number from the beginning and end. The line with ‘FFF’ is line 27 from the beginning of the document and line 21 from the John Hancock signature. Subtracting , 27 – 21 = 6. Repeating this calculation for each of the three letter F’s, produces the number 666.
There is one very prominent monument located in the Mall that exhibits this same feature. At the time of its completion, the official height of the Washington Monument was published as 555 feet. Written out, the height is expressed as ‘Five Fifty Five’. The first letter of each word in the height of the Washington Monument is, ‘FFF’ = 666. The next step on the trail will begin at the Washington Monument. Construction on the Washington Monument started in 1848. Robert Mills, an architect and Freemason, designed the monument. The cornerstone, which contained a copy of the Bible and Masonic tools, was laid on July 4th, 1848 in an elaborate Masonic ritual.
The monument was completed in 1885, but was not opened to the public until October 9, 1888, which was a leap year. The year the project opened, 1888, contains the number 888, which is the value of Jesus in Greek, and the start date was July 4, or 7/4 = 74, which is an encoded form of Jesus in the English language. At completion, the official height of the monument was listed as 555 feet 5 1⁄8 inches (169.294 m) according to the National Park Service. Reported in 1884 by Col. Thomas Lincoln Casey, the engineer in charge of construction. It was measured from the top of the foundation (the lowest marble joint or the door-sills of the two empty doorways), which was in place in 1884.
The monument was supposed to be constructed at the intersection of the cross formed by the Mall, directly south of the White House and west of the Capitol building. According to the official account, the ground was too unstable at this location to support the massive weight of the monument, so its location was shifted to the South-East just over 119 meters. However, this story is not entirely accurate. As will be shown later, the Washington Monument was shifted to align it with the location of the Holy Grail and to convey a geometric message that will help locate the Grail.
A small stone monument, called the Jefferson Pier, marks the intended location of the Washington Monument. Figure 13 shows a cross-sectional drawing of the Monument and the Jefferson Pier.
The Pythagorean Theorem is a part of Masonic teachings and can be used to calculate the length of one side of a right triangle, given the length of the other two sides. One side of the triangle is the height of the Washington Monument, published at 555 feet 5.125 inches when the Monument was completed. The distance from the Jefferson pier to the center of the Washington Monument is just over 119 meters, or approximately 390.6 feet. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the distance from the top of the Washington Monument to a vertical line passing through the center of the Jefferson Pier is 679 feet.
The numbers 666 and 13 are encoded into the geometry of the Washington Monument, indicating that the location of the Monument is actually the intended location. the builders never truly planned to put the Monument at the exact center of the Mall as they claimed. It would appear that the builders were sending a message that the location of the Monument has more meaning than history tells. The location of the Monument relative to the center of the Mall also appears to be connecting 666 and the number 13, but for what purpose?
The Issue of Accuracy
Attempting to determine accurate measurements over distances that involve hundreds of feet is very difficult. Even if the original structure was built to exact measurements, things will move over time and expand or contract with temperature and humidity level. The original Jefferson Pier, erected in 1804, disappeared in 1874. It was replaced with a new one in 1889. It would have been virtually impossible for the second pier to be located in the exact same position as the original, but it is as close as the surveyors could get it at the time. In fact, at these distance, it would be unreasonable to expect measurements made today to match exactly with those made hundreds of years ago. A certain amount of variation is to be expected.
Regardless of what the height of the monument is determined to be today, the measurement that is important is the one reported when the monument was completed, 555′ 5-1/8″.
The distance to the pier is the complicating variable. In 2000, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, undertook the monumental task of measuring the height and position of the Washington Monument relative to several prominent landmarks in Washington, DC.
“Washington Monument GPS Project“
The data from this project can be found here, “Washington monument GPS Project Data”
The horizontal distance measured from the top of the Washington Monument to the Jefferson Pier is reported as 119.221 meters, or 391.145013 feet.
Using this value in the calculations above, the hypotenuse of the triangle is 679.3332 feet. Simply rounding down to 679 is well within any reasonable expectation of accuracy for this problem.
Measuring the distance the Jefferson Pier from the top of the monument introduces its own set of variables. Wind on the day of measurement could have caused the top of the monument to move off of the center line. Also, the center at the top of the monument does not necessarily coincide with the center at the base of the monument, but the measurements should be close to what the builders intended.
The monument is constructed entirely of stone, except for the capstone placed at the top, which is made of Aluminum. In an illustration by S. H. Nealy, the setting of the capstone on top of the Washington Monument on December 6, 1884, is shown in Figure 14.
Without the Aluminum capstone, the top of the monument resembles a topless pyramid, much like the one on the Seal of the United States. The capstone is similar to the ‘Eye of Providence’ on The Great Seal of The United States. The similarity is no accident, because the capstone will lead to the Templar treasure. The capstone is a pyramid shape with four sides. Inscriptions are on each side of the capstone.
Three sides of the capstone are devoted to the builders of the monument, but the fourth side, facing East towards the Capitol building, contains a dedication to God. The inscription on the East side of the capstone is the Latin phrase ‘Laus Deo’, which means ‘Praise be to God.” The inscriptions hide a veiled number 13. With one side dedicated to God and three sides dedicated to the builders, the four inscriptions represent the number 13.
The Standard English gematria value of the phrase ‘Laus Deo’ is 77, which is also the value of ‘CHRIST’. Along with 666, ‘LAUS DEO’ is indicating that this is the right place to look. The capstone is the key to finding the Grail’s location.
Step Six – Mount Vernon Square
‘DEO’ was part of the decoded message on the Declaration of Independence. The appearance of this same Latin word on the capstone of the Washington Monument confirms the validity of the message and identifies the capstone as a critical piece in the search for The Holy Grail or the Ark of God.
The capstone is unique. It is the only “stone” in the Monument that is not actually made of stone. The real clue does not lie on the surface of the capstone, nor within the inscriptions, but rather with the material used to make the capstone, Aluminum. At the time the monument was constructed, Aluminum was more valuable than Silver. The cost of manufacturing Aluminum was prohibitively expensive, but that is not the reason it was used on the monument. The atomic number for the element Aluminum is 13. The international abbreviation for Aluminum is ‘AL’, which also has a value of 13.
The number 13 is all over Washington, DC, the monuments, the Seal of the United States, etc. Why is there so much emphasis on the number 13? Is it just because America began with 13 original colonies? This cannot be the only reason because America had more than 13 colonies in the beginning, with at least one of those early colonies falling to the British. It is almost as if the Founders wanted America to start with the number 13 at its core. The initials of Jesus Christ have a total gematria value of ‘JC’ = 13.
In the same manner that 666 has acted as a guide in the search for the Grail, 13 might also be important. The layout of the roads in Washington, DC has played an important role in the search, so it makes sense to look at 13th Street. Interestingly, in the modern layout of the city, 13th Street ends at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue. Only a short section of the southern portion of 13th Street survives between C and D Streets, or DC. Oddly enough, this short segment of 13th Street lies next to the department of the Treasury. A perfect straight line drawn from the Washington Monument, through the intersection of 13th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, intersects the center of Mount Vernon Square, shown in Figure 15.
This line forms a very clear connection between the Washington Monument, Mount Vernon Square, and the number 13. The line from Mount Vernon Square to The Washington Monument is 36 degrees West of South. The total of the numbers from 1 to 36 is 666, forming a connection between Mount Vernon, The Washington Monument, 13 and 666. The number 666 is also confirmation that the clue is intentional. By encoding 666 into the angle, it establishes a clue for what might be the next step in the process. We are being told to look for something at a particular angle, possibly using the Washington Monument as the focal point.
A closer look at Mount Vernon Square in Figure 16, reveals that four roads form the square, which is actually rectangular in shape, much like the door on the cross shown earlier.
Confirming the number 13, there are 13 words or groups of letters & numbers in the names of the four roads that surround Mount Vernon Square. Combining the names of the streets around the square with the name of the city, Washington, DC, gives the all too familiar number 666 once again.
The phrase contains a total of 47 characters, confirming that the Grail is close because the standard gematria value of Grail is 47. This phrase also connects the number 13 with the city of Washington, DC. There is something about the number 13 that is critically important to locating the treasure, but what? Located at the center of Mount Vernon Square, the Carnegie Library building houses the Historical Society of Washington, DC and the Kiplinger Research Library. The archives contain over 200 years of historical documents and maps of Washington, DC.
While the historical archives of Washington, DC could prove invaluable in the search for the Grail, the most important clue is the most obvious; Mount Vernon Square is a direct reference to Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. If there is something to be found at Mount Vernon, then additional information will be required because the estate covers about 500 acres of land. To find something hidden at Mount Vernon is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. You know it is there, but searching the entire haystack is not practical. There must be something more precise to narrow down the search area. The Washington Monument was connected to Mount Vernon Square, so perhaps there is something about the Washington Monument that can help narrow down the location to look at Mount Vernon.
A line drawn from the Washington Monument to Mount Vernon passes directly over The Jefferson Memorial. The trusty number 666 once again confirms that this association is correct,
So, a direct link between the Washington Monument and Mount Vernon is established by the number 666, but the overwhelming size of the estate still poses a problem. The location must be more specific. There must be some other feature of the Washington Monument that can reveal the location. It is a well known fact that George Washington’s early career was that of a surveyor. He knew exactly how to make incredibly precise measurements of the distance and angle between two or more geographic features. He became the official surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia in 1749 at the young age of 17.
Step Seven – 1313
It should be noted here that the final mailing address for Priory Publications before the hunt ended was P.O. Box 1313. Figure 17 shows a screen shot of the address on their website.

Figure 17 – 1313 in Priory Publications Mailing Address
Once again, the boundaries of time are going to be blurred. The Washington Monument was not built until almost 100 years after George Washington died, so what could his surveying abilities possibly have to do with the monument dedicated to his memory? Not only did George Washington know where the future monument would be located, but he used it to identify a very specific location on his Mount Vernon estate. Washington did not just use what was supposed to be the location of the monument at the center of the Mall, but he used the shifted location of the monument that was supposedly driven by the poor soil conditions present at the center of the Mall. In order for the next step in the search for the Grail to work, the Washington Monument had to be precisely located at its present position, as will become evident shortly.
The secret to finding the treasure is the capstone of the Washington Monument. The capstone is on top of the monument in the same position as the All-Seeing Eye of Providence, which is floating above the topless pyramid on the Great Seal of The United States. This emphasizes the importance of the capstone. As stated earlier, the capstone is made of Aluminum. The atomic number of Aluminum is 13 and the value of the abbreviation for Aluminum (AL) is also 13. The number 13 twice or 13:13 gives the precise location of The Holy Grail.
The builders of Washington, DC would never have placed such an immense treasure in the downtown area of a major city. With the constant construction and improvement that typically occurs in a large city, someone would be far too likely to simply stumble on it by accident. It has to be hidden outside of the city and Mount Vernon would make an ideal location. It is the home of America’s first President and it is a virtual shrine that is visited by thousands of tourists almost every day. It is the perfect hiding place, but the location must be identified by using the city of Washington, DC.
The Freemasons protect The Holy Grail and they have left the clues needed to rediscover it all over the city. The first major clue was the Square and Compass and the last clue was the Washington Monument. The infamous Square and Compass of the Masons are the tools of Euclidian geometry. The Compass is used to draw circles and/or arcs around a given center point. The Square is used to create straight lines. The secret is polar coordinates.
Using the numbers obtained from the capstone material as polar coordinates, 13 for the atomic number of Aluminum and 13 for the abbreviation, with the Washington Monument as the center or focal point, the location of The Holy Grail will become evident. Recall that the SW portions of the street names were dropped to get the value 666 for the door or Jesus on the cross. The names are repeated here,
Sometimes a clue is not what you see, but rather what you don’t see. If it is conspicuously missing, then it might be a clue. Both 4th and 7th streets have a South West portion of the roads, but the abbreviation “SW” is not used to get the number 666. Mount Vernon is located South West of the Washington Monument, and it is in this direction that the coordinate system should be established. Polar coordinates consist of two parts to identify any point, an angle and a radius. 13:13 is therefore referring to an angle of 13 degrees, but what is dimension of the radius? It could be any form of distance measurement. Feet or yards would be too short and would still be inside the city. To get outside the city and to find a point on the Mount Vernon estate, the radius should be measured in miles.
Using true South as the zero angle and measuring 13 degrees toward the West, establishes the angle. Then measuring 13 miles along the 13 degree angle, the location of The Holy Grail is revealed. It is George Washington’s tomb. The tomb is not the Grail; it is simply the place where it is hidden and protected. Figure 18 shows how the polar coordinates, 13:13, are used to find the potential location of the world’s most sought after treasure.
The next steps in the hunt will be to confirm the location, “Within This Enclosure”, and learn how to open the door, “The Lock Reveals The Key”.