The Golden Cup
“Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth.
but by washing away from it all that is not gold.”
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Where is the Holy Grail? Where is the golden cup that holds the blood of Christ? To find the Truth, follow Jesus. It really is that simple. For centuries, millions of people have read the Bible, but very few have ever actually read it the right way. In the previous chapter, the Greek value of Jesus revealed the signature of ‘GOD’. What other qualities does Jesus have that could provide a clue for the next step in the journey? Many times throughout the Bible, Jesus says that He is the beginning and the end, or the first and the last. Figure 1 shows the hidden name of ‘GOD’ in Genesis 1:1.

Figure 1 – ‘GOD’ in position 888
Because the 888 layout of the text is the value of Jesus, this block of letters can be viewed as being a representation of Jesus. Since Jesus says that He is the first and last, look at the first and last letters of the group. The letters are I and D, which have a total standard gematria value of,
I + D = 9 + 4 = 13
Why was the number 13 central to the founding of America? Was it just coincidence that there were 13 original colonies? Or, did they want future generations to understand the importance of the number 13? Did the Founders manipulate the number of original colonies to arrive at this number? A little known fact of American history is that there was a fourteenth colony in Nova Scotia. This colony fell to the British shortly before the beginning of the Revolutionary War. It is said that George Washington declined to support the fourteenth colony and allowed it to remain a British territory. Why would he do this? It was farther north and separated from the rest of the colonies, but it was still an American colony. Did they allow this colony to fall so that they could hit the target number of 13? While the full story may never be known, the result is undeniable.
There are connections between Nova Scotia and the Templar Knights. Legend tells of a great treasure once buried in a deep pit on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. Countless explorers have searched for this treasure over the years and some continue to look. Perhaps the treasure was moved and Nova Scotia was no longer of interest to the Founding Fathers of America, or maybe it was never there. If it was moved from Nova Scotia, or some other location, where is it today? To find the answer, look to Jesus Christ and the 1611 King James Bible.
The clue for the next step is the number 13, which is also the value of the first letters of Jesus Christ. Using this value, divide the text into lines with 13 letters per line, beginning with the first verse of Genesis. Here, the exact spelling used in the 1611 King James Bible is required. Figure 2 shows the resulting words hidden in the unmodified text of Genesis 1.

Figure 2 – Genesis Text Aarranged with 13 Letters Per Line
Two words or names should immediately become evident upon closer examination of the text. The first word is ‘NOAHS’, which starts with the second letter of the first line and proceeds diagonally down and to the right. The second word is ‘RUTH’, starting at the sixth letter of the second line and proceeds diagonally down to the left, crossing the word ‘NOAHS’. The discovered words are imbalanced, implying that something might be missing. The standard gematria value of ‘NOAHS’ is 57, and for ‘RUTH’, it is 67. From the beginning of ‘NOAHS’ to the end, there are a total of 57 letters. The duplication of the number 57 associated with the word ‘NOAHS’ could imply the next step.
In the 1611 King James Bible, there are 14 extra books called the Apocrypha between the Old and New Testaments. Including the Apocrypha, the 57th book of the Bible is the book of John. It just so happens that the first verse of John begins with the same words as the first verse of Genesis. Figure 3 shows the first two verses of the book of John in the 1611 King James Bible

Figure 3 – John 1:1-2 from 1611 King James Bible
The first thing to notice here is that verse two has a direct reference back to Genesis 1:1 in the margin note to the left of the image. Verse two hints at the presence of something in the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis 1:1, and says that it was “with God”. Recall that the word ‘GOD’ was encoded in Genesis 1:1 using the Greek value of Jesus, 888, and ‘God’ at the end of verse two is the 8th word. There are only 3 letters on the third line of verse two, possibly confirming that ‘GOD’ at position 888 in Genesis 1:1 was intentional and something else must now be done to the text. The repeated use of the word ‘was’ in the first two verses, implies that something has changed or needs to change.
To find the path, simply follow the name of Jesus. The value of ‘JESUS’ in Standard English gematria is 74, and the value of ‘IESUS’ is 73. The King James Bible originally spelled the name of Jesus with an ‘I’ instead of a ‘J’. This essentially allows two numbers, 73 and 74, to be associated with Jesus. The 73rd and 74th characters from the beginning of John 1:1, including punctuation, points to the word ‘in’ found in John 1:2. The numerical values of Jesus are indicating that something about the word, ‘in’, is important, but what?
Perhaps the ‘Word’ referred to in verse one, which is traditionally taken as Jesus Christ, actually refers to the word ‘in’ located at the character positions of Jesus’ name in verse two. Verse 1 says that the ‘Word’, or ‘in’, was with the word ‘GOD’, and was the word ‘GOD’. This could imply that something related to the word ‘in’ in Genesis 1:1 needs to change so that the word ‘GOD’ no longer is located at the position 888. The word, ‘beginning’, actually contains two ‘in’ words. The text can be changed so that ‘GOD’ is no longer found at position 888, if the two ‘in’ words contained within ‘beginning’ were removed. However, just deleting the ‘in’ words is not enough they have to move.
The book of John begins with the word ‘IN’, so a logical way to change this text might be to move the two ‘in’ words from within ‘beginning’, so that they are next to the first ‘IN’ word of John. The modified text of John 1:1 is shown below.

Figure 4 – ‘In the beginning’ rearranged
The first 13 letters of the modified text are ‘IN in in the beg n’. The first and last letters of the first 13 letters are ‘I’ and ‘N’, confirming the movement of the ‘in’ words. The number 13 also associates this change with the 13 letter layout of Genesis 1:1 that revealed the words ‘NOAHS’ and ‘RUTH’. Application of this same modification to Genesis 1:1 removes the word ‘GOD’ from position 888.

Figure 5 – ‘GOD’ no longer in position 888
By moving the two ‘IN’ words from ‘BEGINNING’ to the beginning of the line, ‘GOD’ in position 888 changes to ‘HOD’.
The Meaning of HOD
The word “HOD” actually has two meanings that are relevant to the search.
1) HOD is an open box like structure, often on a pole, that is used to carry bricks or heavy loads. It implies a connection between Jesus, God, and the heavy burden of sin that Jesus carried for man.
2) HOD is the 8th Sephiroth of the Jewish Kabbalah, or Tree of Life. In this context it means splendor, glory, or majesty. This same word will be found hidden on the Declaration of Independence in a most amazing fashion. HOD is represented by the planet Mercury. In Roman and Greek mythology, Mercury (or Hermes) is the messenger of God and is often depicted carrying the Caduceus.
This appears to be meaningless at first glance, but something amazing happens when the text of Genesis is now rewritten with 13 letters per line.

Figure 6 – ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ in Modified Genesis Text
The word ‘RUTH’ transforms to the word ‘TRUTH’. This is the Holy Grail. The shape of ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ forms the cup known to legend. For clarity, Figure 7 shows the cup isolated from the rest of the text.
The legends also tell that the golden cup known as the Grail contained the blood of Christ. If the legend is true then where is the blood? Imagine that the cup is formed by the words ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ and that the rest of the letters are the contents of the cup. The letters inside the cup, both top and bottom, are ‘ININDCWA’, which has a standard English gematria value of 77. The name, ‘CHRIST’, also has a value of 77. The letters inside the cup have the same value as ‘CHRIST’.
Allegorically, the legend of The Holy Grail developed into the golden cup containing the blood of Christ because the total value of the letters inside the cup was the same as Christ. The golden cup that caught the blood of Christ is real and it is found in the 1611 King James Bible. The unusual and inconsistent spelling used in the King James Bible is often discarded as sloppy work of the translators and printers, but it should become apparent now that the way the words are spelled plays a much more important role. The text of the King James Bible conceals a code about The Holy Grail. But, where is the treasure?

Figure 7 – ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ is The Holy Grail
If this is really the cup called The Holy Grail, then why does legend say the cup was made of gold? The third line of the cup, or the middle line, is formed by the two letters ‘AU’. The international abbreviation for gold is ‘AU’, which is derived from ‘aurum’, the Latin word for gold. Therefore, the legend of The Holy Grail being a golden cup is true. The golden cup of legend is just an allegorical description of the group of letters formed by ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ in the Bible. While this is the cup, it is not the final destination; it is only the beginning of a very long journey.
The legends also tell that the golden cup known as the Grail contained the blood of Christ. If the legend is true then where is the blood? Imagine that the cup is formed by the words ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ and that the rest of the letters are the contents of the cup. The letters inside the cup, both top and bottom, are ‘ININDCWA’, which has a standard English gematria value of 77. The name, ‘CHRIST’, also has a value of 77. The letters inside the cup have the same value as ‘CHRIST’.
Allegorically, the legend of The Holy Grail developed into the golden cup containing the blood of Christ because the total value of the letters inside the cup was the same as Christ. The golden cup that caught the blood of Christ is real and it is found in the 1611 King James Bible. The unusual and inconsistent spelling used in the King James Bible is often discarded as sloppy work of the translators and printers, but it should become apparent now that the way the words are spelled plays a much more important role. The text of the King James Bible conceals a code about The Holy Grail.
But, where is the treasure?