666 – A Divine Number
“After people have repeated a phrase a great number of times,
they begin to realize it has meaning and may even be true.”
H. G. Wells
Throughout history, there are many examples of misconceptions and false interpretations of a Truth becoming a mainstream thought. People tend to assume that what they are taught or what they hear and see in the media is the Truth and they don’t look for themselves to see if the information they are getting is accurate. To see the secret and find the treasure, a fundamental shift in understanding of the Bible and Jesus is required. This is where things start to get a little difficult to accept, but those with the strength and patience to learn a new way to read the Bible, will see doors form in walls that only yesterday appeared to be as solid as rock.
There is a troubling misconception about the number 666 that prevents people from seeing that which is right in front of their eyes. Most people would say that the number 666 is the mark of the Antichrist or an omen that will predict the end of the world. However, this interpretation is incorrect or at least incomplete. The misconception about the number 666 begins with Revelation 13:18 in the Bible. From the 1611 King James Bible, this verse reads:
“Here is wisedome. Let him that hath vnderstanding, count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man, and his number is, sixe hundred threescore and sixe.”
If asked, most people would say that Revelation 13:18 tells us that the ‘Antichrist’ will be identified by the number 666. The biggest problem with this verse and the commonly accepted interpretation is that Revelation 13:18 does not mention the name ‘Antichrist’ at all. In fact, the name, ‘Antichrist’, does not even appear anywhere in the entire book of Revelation. So, how did the number 666 ever get connected to the Antichrist?
This verse talks about something called the ‘beast’, which is erroneously assumed by readers to be the ‘Antichrist’, but the Bible never specifically says that the ‘beast’ is the same thing as ‘Antichrist’. Readers assume that this is the case because everybody else says it is so, but there is nothing in the Bible that clearly says the beast is the Antichrist. The term ‘Antichrist’ is found only five times in the original King James Bible. Four occurrences are in the book of I John, and one is in the book of II John. The four verses that contain the five uses of the word ‘Antichrist’ read as follows:
1 John 2:18 – Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists; whereby wee know that it is the last time.
1 John 2:22 – Who is a liar, but hee that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist, that denyeth the Father, and the Son.
1 John 4:3 – And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof you have heard, that it should come, and euen now already is it in the world.
2 John 1:7 – For many deceiuers are entered into the world, who confesse not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver, and an Antichrist.
The meaning of the term ‘Antichrist’ is clearly defined in these verses and there is no connection to the number 666, or even to the ‘beast’. In fact, the word ‘beast’ does not even appear in the entire books of I, II, or III John. Since the word ‘beast’ is never related to the word ‘Antichrist’, the two words cannot be used interchangeably. ‘Antichrist’, as defined in these verses, is someone who does not confess in or admit to the existence of both the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. The verses also reveal that there are many ‘Antichrists’, not one individual associated with the end of the world. It also tells that the spirit of Antichrist is already in the world. There is no direct connection between ‘Antichrist’ and the number 666, it is just not there. If the ‘Antichrist’ is not mentioned in Revelation and the beast is not mentioned in John I, II, or III, then how can 666 be connected to the Antichrist?
The number 666 appears a total of four times in the Bible, three times in the Old Testament, and once in the New Testament. The four occurrences are listed below using the spelling and punctuation found in the original King James Bible:
1 Kings 10:14 – Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one yere, was sixe hundred, threescore & six talents of gold,
2 Chronicles 9:13 – Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one yeere, was sixe hundred and threescore and sixe talents of gold;
Ezra 2:13 – The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six.
Revelation 13:18 – Here is wisedome. Let him that hath vnderstanding, count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man, and his number is, sixe hundred threescore and sixe.
666 is just a number, as evidenced by the multiple uses of it throughout the Bible. If this number was really evil, then the authors of the various books would likely not have used it for common measurements. 666 does not represent the Antichrist as most people believe it does because the Bible never directly or indirectly connects the two. If it is not about the Antichrist, then what does it mean? First, as nothing more than a number, 666 has some very special mathematical properties. In order to find the Holy Grail, it will be necessary to look for and follow the trail that 666 generates. Some of the important mathematical properties of 666 are:
- 18 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 666
- 36 = 666. The sum total of all the numbers from 1 to 36 is 666.
- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666
- 216 = 6 X 6 X 6 = 666
- 234 + 432 = 666
- 18 X 37 = 666
- 9 X 74 = 666
These properties, and others, will be required to see the path that leads to the Grail and ultimately to find the lost Templar treasure. Additional proof that 666 is not an evil omen, but is rather a required element for decoding the Truth hidden within the Bible, can be found in the name of the Bible itself.
In standard gematria, ‘THE HOLY BIBLE’ = 123. Along with the name of Jesus, and the associated numerical values, there are certain qualities or traits about Jesus that will aid in the solution. In the New Testament, Jesus repeatedly says that He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Revelation 22:13 expresses this concept,
Revelation 22:13 – I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
This statement implies reversal, or mirror images. Interestingly, gematria does not care whether a particular word or phrase is written forwards or backwards, the value remains the same. Reversing ‘THE HOLY BIBLE’ to get ‘ELBIB YLOH EHT’, retains the value of 123, but the reversal changes the order of the words. The number of letters in each word of ‘ELBIB YLOH EHT’ is 5, 4, and 3, respectively. This can be written as the single value, 543. Adding the gematria value to the reversed letter count, ‘THE HOLY BIBLE’ is an encoded form of 666.
‘THE HOLY BIBLE’ + ‘ELBIB YLOH EHT’ = 123 + 543 = 666
When presented with this mathematical fact, an individual’s first response is likely to be one of denial; that this can’t possibly be correct, but it is. The King James Bible is the first Bible to bear this exact title, and it was by design. The translators had to convey a message to those who would discover the Truth, so that misunderstanding would not lead to blindness. The value 666 was deliberately encoded into the title to tell the reader that it is not evil, that it is okay to look at 666 and even to seek it out.
But, there is more. The letter count of each word of ‘THE HOLY BIBLE’ is 3, 4, and 5, respectively, or 345. Again, Jesus says in the Bible that He is the first and the last. Adding 345 to the reversed letter count, 543, results in another very important number,
THE HOLY BIBLE + ELBIB YLOH EHT = 345 + 543 = 888
As shown earlier, 888 is the value of JESUS in the Greek language. The primary purpose of the encoded secrets in the title, ‘The Holy Bible’, is to associate the name of Jesus with the number 666. Yes, this statement is bordering on blasphemy, but Truth is not always comfortable. A secondary purpose of placing the messages in the title is to clearly demonstrate the concept of ‘first and last’ or reversal.
If Revelation 13:18 was not intended to connect 666 with the Antichrist, then who is the ‘man’ whose number is identified as 666 in the verse? Does the ‘man’ in this verse refer to someone other than the Antichrist? Change the frame of reference ever so slightly and everything you thought you understood suddenly requires serious rethinking. Ask this question, “Who is the most important man in the New Testament?” The answer is so obvious that very few people have ever even considered the possibility. The ‘man’ in Revelation 13:18 is Jesus. 1st Timothy 2:5 is quite specific when it comes to describing Jesus as the man.
Timothy 2:5 – For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Revelation 13:18 explicitly tells the reader to count the number of the beast. Use gematria, and count the value of the letters that form the word ‘BEAST’. The total of the letters B, E, A, S, and T is 47. Since Jesus says that He is the first and the last, reverse 47 to get the value of Jesus, or 74. There is one ‘Man’ in the New Testament that outshines all others, and that man is Jesus. The Bible tells us that God sent His only begotten Son to become a Man so that He could lead us back to the Father. Only Jesus knows the way, and the way is paved with numbers. Follow Jesus!
666 is not the number of something evil, it is the number of Jesus, who became a Man to save us from our sins and lead us to God, the Father. The establishment of Jesus as the Man spoken of in Revelation 13:18 is confirmed by the 9 words that follow ‘man’ in the verse. If ‘a man’ is taken to be ‘Jesus’, then ‘a man’ can also be replaced by the name of ‘Jesus’, or by the numerical value of His name, which is 74. Multiplying 74 by the 9 words that remain to the end of the verse gives the value, 74 X 9 = 666.
Also, replacing ‘a man’ with ‘Jesus’ gives the phrase, ‘Jesus and his number is sixe hundred threescore and sixe.’ From Jesus to the end of the verse there are now a total of 47 letters, which is the value of ‘BEAST’ and ‘GRAIL’. It explains one of the reasons for spelling out the words of 666 instead of simply writing the numerical value. Because ‘BEAST’ and “GRAIL’ have the same numerical value, the rules of gematria allow ‘BEAST’ to be replaced with ‘GRAIL’.
The first word of Revelation 13:18 is ‘HERE’ = 36. Recall that the total value of all the numbers from 1 to 36 is 666. The first word of Revelation 13:18, ‘Here’, can be replaced with the number 666. A revised interpretation of Revelation 13:18 might read as follows:
666 is wisedome. Let him that hath vnderstanding, count the number of the Grail : for it is the number of Jesus, and his number is, sixe hundred threescore and sixe.
By letting gematria guide the interpretation of this verse, the meaning changes in a very dramatic fashion. Instead of looking for the number of the beast, the verse directs a search for the Grail. It tells the reader that the Grail can be found by following Jesus and the number 666. There is yet one more confirmation built into this verse that confirms the importance of the number 666 and its mathematical properties, while at the same time implying a connection to Jesus.
The chapter and verse numbers of Revelation 13:18 are 13 and 18. Multiplying these two values together gives the number, 13 X 18 = 234. The use of reversal or making the first become the last is connected to Jesus when He says multiple times that He is the first and the last. If 234 is reversed to 432, the combined value is 234 + 432 = 666. The chapter and verse number of Revelation 13:18 are combined with the ‘first and last’ concept associated with Jesus to obtain the number 666. This provides a confirmation that Jesus is the ‘man’ spoken of in the verse and that 666 is in fact the number of Jesus, not the Antichrist.
If the connection between Jesus and 666 is correct, there should be more than just what can be found in Revelation 13:18, because one verse can be easily written off as mere coincidence. If another encoded message could be found in a similar manner that associates Jesus with 666, then the confidence level of this association could be improved. Using the concept of reversal and making the first become the last, or vice versa, one might logically expect to find a confirmation that the number 666 is that of Jesus in Revelation 18:13, as opposed to Revelation 13:18. The seemingly innocent text of Revelation 18:13 from the original 1611 King James Bible is shown below.
Revelation 18:13 – And cynamome, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, & wine, and oile, and fine floure, and wheat, and beasts, and sheepe, and horses, and cha-riots, andslaues, and soules of men.
Using standard gematria, this verse confirms that Jesus is the ‘beast’, or man, spoken of in Revelation 13:18. From the beginning of the verse to the letter ‘T’ in ‘beasts’ the total value is 888, which is the value of Jesus in the Greek language.
“And cynamome, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, & wine, and oile, and fine floure, and wheat, and beast” = 888
The value 888 through the word ‘beast’ associates Jesus with the beast, and by default the number 666. This association is good, but there is another more specific connection between Jesus and the number 666 in this verse. Remember that Jesus is the first and the last. The value 888 was obtained from the beginning of the verse. Now, look at the end of the verse.
Oftentimes, a code that was designed to be broken will include hints about what to look for. Sometimes those hints are in the form of inconsistencies, or things that don’t seem quite right. In Revelation 18:13, the word ‘and’ is repeated many times, but there is one ‘and’ that uses the ampersand symbol, ‘&’, instead of the word ‘and’. Why? There was no reason to do this unless it was to call attention to the word ‘and’.
There are 13 occurrences of ‘and’ in the verse, possibly hinting at the number 13. There are 47 letters that precede the ‘&’ symbol. 47 is the value of ‘Grail’ and, in reverse, it is 74 or the value of ‘Jesus’. This is a possible hint to connect Jesus with reversal or the last. It is at the end of the verse where Jesus and 666 will be solidly connected.
In the King James Bible, the letters ‘I’ and ‘J’ or ‘U’ and ‘V’ are often substituted for each other. In the case of ‘JESUS’, his name is usually spelled with an ‘I’ instead of a ‘J’, or as ‘Iesus’. In standard gematria ‘JESUS’ = 74, and ‘IESUS’ = 73. The translators of the King James Bible wanted to make it abundantly clear that they understood this distinction and that it was not simply a matter of the way words were spelled at that time. Counting 73 and 74 characters, including all punctuation, from the end of the verse, the following values are obtained. The punctuation is included here because the punctuation allows the character count to be manipulated, while not affecting the numerical value of the letters in the phrase.
73 Letters
“eat, and beasts, and sheepe, and horses, and cha-riots, and slaues, and soules of men” = 662
74 Letters
“heat, and beasts, and sheepe, and horses, and cha-riots,andslaues, and soules of men” = 670
The 73rd and 74th characters from the end of the verse are ‘E’ and ‘H’, respectively. In standard gematria, ‘E’ + ‘H’ = 5 + 8 = 13. The 13 ‘and’ words were used to confirm that these two letters are correct. 13 will also play an ever expanding role in the search for the Grail. It should be noted that the initials of ‘Jesus Christ’ are ‘J’ and ‘C’, and the value is ‘J’ + ‘C’ = 10 + 3 = 13, so 13 is also a number of Jesus.
Adding the gematria values of the 73 and 74 letter groups above,
662 + 670 = 1332, and 1332 = 666 + 666
The King James translators used ‘JESUS’ and ‘IESUS’ to give the value of 666 twice, connected by the number 13. They are confirming that Jesus is the man spoken of in Revelation 13:18, and that the number of Jesus is 666. Since Jesus is to be followed, not feared, we must embrace the number 666 and follow it because we follow Jesus. To many, it may seem like a blasphemous statement to associate Jesus and the number 666, however, taking Truth to the next level is always blasphemous. In order to progress in understanding of the Truth, old belief systems and old frames of reference will need to be challenged. The fear of 666 is irrational, but it is still very deeply ingrained. Allow yourself to look at the evidence with an open mind. Repeat the calculations that are laid out here. To find the Grail, the fear of 666 must be overcome.
In the Bible, Jesus tells us that He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. By applying this concept to the name ‘JESUS CHRIST’, a cleverly hidden secret can be found. The concept of first and last and its association to Jesus are encoded into His name using gematria and letter positions within the name. The first five letters, ‘JESUS’, have the same value as the last five letters, ‘HRIST’. Numerically, the name ‘JESUS CHRIST’ is encoded both forward and backwards in His name using identical letter counts, see Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Jesus Christ is The Same From the Beginning and End
Many times, the Bible specifically tells us to believe in the name of Jesus Christ. When attempting to break a code, it is important to follow the instructions provided. There is a coded message hidden in the King James Bible, and it was designed to be broken. The Bible tells the reader how to break the code. The clues are blatant in some cases, and very subtle in others. The importance of the number 666 cannot be overemphasized, because it is everything. It must be understood that 666 is the number of Jesus before any progress on the code can be made. The number is encoded into the name of Jesus Christ so that virtually all doubt can be safely removed. Again, we will use the concept of first and last, combined with the fact that the first and last five letters have the same value. Simply count the position of the letter ‘C” from the beginning and end of ‘JESUS CHRIST’, illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Jesus Christ Encodes The Number 666
The letter ‘C’ is the sixth letter from the beginning and end of His name. This letter count associates the letter ‘C’ with the number 6, twice. The letter ‘C’ is the third letter of the alphabet, so ‘CC’ = 6. Combining the positions from the beginning and end with the value of ‘CC’ produces an encoded form of 666, hidden in the name of JESUS CHRIST. The number of Jesus Christ is 666. Don’t fear it, just follow it.